Thursday, January 11, 2018

That's LIFE


If you've experienced the bittersweet of being the beneficiary of LIFE insurance, you understand.   People are either big believers in LIFE insurance or they just don't think they need it and they don't want to talk about it.


They're in their 40s with a 10 and 6 yr old.  A couple of months ago the wife had heart failure and had a Valve replaced.  The Heart rejected the Valve and she developed an infection.  Was difficult to find a Surgeon to operate until the infection cleared.  But they finally found a surgeon willing to operate.  But infection spread after the second surgery, she got worse and is now in hospice.  Misfortunes like this happen every day.  She's probably not the bread winner but her husband will have to hire help to watch the kids, cook and clean the house. -   Just imagine.

If you answer yes to any of these questions you need LIFE Insurance:

You are breathing right now
You are healthy
You have a mortgage
You have an auto loan
You have credit card debt
You have student loans
You are married
You have children

Last but not least you want to have a burial service.


LIFE insurance is a gift of LIFE.  It's for the living, not for you.  A gift for your loved ones that stay behind to continue with a certain standard of living.  To be able to cover basic expenses like housing and putting food on the table.

A cup of Coffee

You insure your car, your house, even your phone.  If you buy a cup of coffee every day, you can afford the gift of LIFE for your loved ones.

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