Friday, October 4, 2019

Bread Crumbs

Familiar Insurance Services Inc.

Getting smarter and smarter

I think it's safe to say we’ve all gotten used to searching on-line for a product and next thing we know,  there’s ads about that product popping up on our social media. But what about when advertisements for things similar to our interests start showing up on our social media?  Like it’s reading our mind. Scary!  Not really, it's part of AI, machine learning.  It uses our patterns to predict outcome. Tracks your cookies (bread crumbs that you leave as you search the web) and compares it with data and people with similar interests and searches to create a personalized experience. These amazing things are happening and the technology is evolving every day. Including the perfection of self driving cars. Insurance companies in most states are using telematic devices and working with electronic logging devices on vehicles to offer discounts to customers that agree to share their usage data.  All this sharing may seem scary but this is our new reality and it's getting smarter and smarter.

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