Thursday, February 16, 2017

Insurance Friday...Dear Mom

Dear Mom, I Wish You’d Had Life Insurance
Brittney LaCombe's real life story.

I live in St. Petersburg, Florida. On May 8th, 2011, my mother, two younger sisters and I drove to a local campsite for our annual Mother’s Day camping trip. When we arrived, my mother said that her foot was bothering her. We thought maybe she had hit it on something, so we didn’t think much of it. But that night, the pain got so bad she couldn’t stand it. She called 911 and an ambulance took her to a hospital.  At 6:30 the next morning I got a call from the hospital. When they had gone to check on her that morning, she was blue. She had died from a pulmonary embolism—a catastrophe that left me without a mom.  Suddenly, at 20 years old, I was the head of the family, and I had to take care of my sisters, who were 15 and 16, on my own.  My aunt came over the next day to help me deal with funeral arrangements. I wanted to bury my mother, like she wished. But when we finished looking through all of her bank accounts and papers, we realized she only had $300 in the bank.  I knew that our finances weren’t great, but I didn’t think we could be that bad off. A funeral costs thousands, out of the question. I hated the idea of cremation, but that’s the only thing the state would pay for. We couldn’t even afford to hold a reception, and all of my mother’s family members never got the opportunity to gather and grieve together.  I felt devastated—I didn’t know where to go or what to do. Within a week of her passing, shut-off notices came for the electricity and water. The bank called every day looking for a payment on the mortgage. Since I was only working part time, paying these debts was out of the question. Even though I explained my situation to the bank, I was told I only had weeks before the house would be foreclosed on and our electricity and water would be cut off.  We also had to give our pets away. Our two dogs went to family members until we could afford to get them back. Our cats went to the shelter...


I don't want to be the one that tells your family you didn't have Life Insurance.

Get Life Insurance

With just a little planning you can get coverage with a policy that fits your budget.

The right Insurance Co.

You make a promise to your loved ones, make sure it's with a company that will be there for them when needed.


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