Friday, August 31, 2018

Bon Voyage Charlie Brown

Was Snoopy in a car seat 


We view our pets as part of the family but many  insurance companies view them as our property.
Pet insurance is becoming more widespread among car insurance providers.  If your dog was injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, the other driver’s auto insurance might cover your pet’s vet bill with its property damage liability coverage.


AAA estimates that 80% of drivers have driven with their pets in the car but only 17% of those use a pet restraint while driving.  Writing this blog helps me realize I’m one of those 17% drivers.  I’ve put myself and my dogs in danger.  I guess I’ve been a bad dog mommy, but I promise to change.  If your pet is wandering while you’re driving,  you’ll probably be distracted.  Either they’re scratching the seats, crying or barking.  Your attention is going to be drawn away from the road.  AAA says a driver distracted by a pet can be just as dangerous as texting or talking on the phone while driving. 

Car Seats

Even fender benders can cause a dog to be knocked around inside the car, leading to injuries or death.  Some states have laws that require pets to be in a restraint or a carrier in the car.  When using a carrier, it's important that it is secured properly, so that it doesn't fly around during a collision.  You need the right size crate.  If your crate is too large, your pet will get bounced around during the ride. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

Camp Crystal Lake

He’s Back (The man behind the mask).


If camp staff had’t been negligent, poor little Jason Voorhees never would have drowned in Crystal Lake.  This would have prevented numerous nights of sleeping with my lights on in 1980.  Friday the 13th was released in May 1980 and 12 movies later, another sequel is planned for September 2020.

Go to school to get more knowledge

Most insurance companies have used education along with about 30 other factors including age and gender to determine rates but New York state insurance department ruled that using education as a variable is not fare to people without college degrees.  “The result is that drivers with higher education and income pay less for auto insurance with no rationale evidence that they are better drivers.”

Hot for Teacher

Teachers, accountants and nurses getting education discounts from GEICO might see their policies increase at renewal due the NYS rule that education can no longer be a factor in determenig insurance rates.

WSJ Article

“New York Financial Services Superintendent’s office said that the giant insurer would comply with the state’s move late last year to ban what her department has concluded is an unfair practice”.

Big no-no!

In last month’s New York Department of Financial Services regulation, GEICO joined Liberty Mutual and Allstate in being  prohibited from using a driver’s education level as a factor in determining rates.

Read Article

Thursday, April 19, 2018

See Jane

In the name of

Mary Jane, Weed, Joints, Reffa, Doobies, Bud, Herb, Ganja, Blunts - Get the picture.

It’s legal in some states but even in the states that decriminalized cannabis, police can still  arrest you for driving under the influence. Beware because driving high is still DUI.

National Weed  Day

If you’re  planning to smoke on 4/20 do the rest of us a favor, stock up on Oreos and Cheetos and stay off the roads.

The Risk is “High”

If you get charged with driving while under the influence of marijuana, you can expect the same penalties as driving drunk.  Including license suspension, mandatory alcohol and drug abuse classes, fines, probation and even jail time.  The DUI stays on your record for 7 years and most insurance companies won’t insure the risk.


After a DUI arrest the drivers license is revoked for at least 90 days.

See Jane

See Jane
See Jane drive High
See Jane get a DUI
See Jane go to Jail
Jail sucks don’t go to Jail.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

That's LIFE


If you've experienced the bittersweet of being the beneficiary of LIFE insurance, you understand.   People are either big believers in LIFE insurance or they just don't think they need it and they don't want to talk about it.


They're in their 40s with a 10 and 6 yr old.  A couple of months ago the wife had heart failure and had a Valve replaced.  The Heart rejected the Valve and she developed an infection.  Was difficult to find a Surgeon to operate until the infection cleared.  But they finally found a surgeon willing to operate.  But infection spread after the second surgery, she got worse and is now in hospice.  Misfortunes like this happen every day.  She's probably not the bread winner but her husband will have to hire help to watch the kids, cook and clean the house. -   Just imagine.

If you answer yes to any of these questions you need LIFE Insurance:

You are breathing right now
You are healthy
You have a mortgage
You have an auto loan
You have credit card debt
You have student loans
You are married
You have children

Last but not least you want to have a burial service.


LIFE insurance is a gift of LIFE.  It's for the living, not for you.  A gift for your loved ones that stay behind to continue with a certain standard of living.  To be able to cover basic expenses like housing and putting food on the table.

A cup of Coffee

You insure your car, your house, even your phone.  If you buy a cup of coffee every day, you can afford the gift of LIFE for your loved ones.